An animated informational video about Yixing Zisha Teapots. Produced by Goodlad Productions with content and information from Dan Bolton, Founding Editor of Tea Journey Magazine.
Tea Journey Magazine helps consumers make informed tea selections, properly prepare fine tea and better appreciate those in the tea lands who craft this remarkable beverage.
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Tea Journey Magazine
Cultivated by tea experts from around the globe, Tea Journey magazine connects growers in 35 countries with consumers worldwide – all centered around a shared passion for tea. Launching in June, the inaugural issue will begin to build a bridge between the East and the West in a way no other publication has before.
Tea Journey is a mobile magazine that publishes three 150-page print-ready PDFs annually. These include the April (Origins) issue, the August (Tea Review) issue, and the November (Gifting) issue. During the weeks between issues, subscribers receive full-featured articles and multi-media content on the Tea Journey blog. Content can be viewed anytime online at or via custom apps for Apple iOS available on iTunes and the Android store.
Please check out for more information and to subscribe!